There has been an increase in auto burglaries in the area. The basic crime fighting tools for preventing auto burglaries are simple and easy.
Yes, it takes seconds to break a window, but doing so makes noise and criminals hate making noise.
Take your valuables and loose items out of your vehicle if possible. Something that is not valuable to you might be valuable to a thief. Lock your vehicle.
Hide valuables and loose items from sight. If a criminal doesn’t see anything they’re less likely to break in. Remember to hide valuables BEFORE you park in the place you’re leaving your vehicle.
Car hopping is a felony!
Most of the auto burglary suspects in recent local cases have been juveniles in middle and
high school.
Car hopping is when juveniles break into random cars through unlocked doors. This is considered burglary and is a felony in Florida.
CALL CRIME LINE! 1-800-423 TIPS (8477) All information is kept confidential.
Orange County Sheriff’s Office Crime Prevention Unit 407-254-7106 Emergency 9-1-1 Non-Emergency 407-836-HELP (4357) Visit us online at osco.com
written by OCSO previously published in OCSO brochure
